What would you do if I told you that a four-piece rock and roll band is driving around in a van and kicking all sorts of ass at venues across the country? What if I also told you that it features screaming guitar harmonies with intricate melodic interplay propped up by one of the most badass rhythm sections you’ll see this year? What if I told you this band is called “Color Green,” and they are on tour right now?
What started as a duo recording project has morphed into a four-piece band. With that transition has come a clearer focus on the songs and playing. On their excellent new record, “Fool’s Parade,” the stoney haze of the earlier releases is joined by more focused songwriting, well-structured dueling guitars, and a rhythm section ready for battle. It’s like adding a touch of Heron Oblivion to your Burrito Brothers.
While standing outside preshow, Noah mentioned they would start us off slow before hitting the throttle, and that’s exactly how it played out. Opening with the contemplative “Through The Looking Glass,” the band and audience had a minute to calibrate before it was time, as Casey Rose stated, to “have some fun,” and, for the next 45 minutes, that’s precisely what happened. The back half of this set, from “Coronado” through “Kick The Bucket,” featured wildly dynamic guitar playing that was a thrill to hear. It’s rare to find two guitarists who so actively listen to each other to create that sort of experience.
Color Green is closing out its tour with only a few West Coast dates remaining. West Coast tapers get out to a show! The world needs more live Color Green!
You might notice that the picture at this post’s beginning isn’t very good. That’s because I was too busy standing in the back by my gear, crushing beers, and playing air guitar to remember to move up and get a quality shot. This was a straight-up scorcher, a no-bull-shit rock show.
I recorded this from the usual spot with an excellent board feed from Tubby’s FOH engineer Wil. The sound is fantastic.
Download and stream form the Live Music Archive!
Color Green
Kingston, NY
Source: MBHO 440 + SDB > MixPre 3 > SD (24/48) > Adobe Audition/Izotope 9 > Audacity Flac (lvl8) > Mp3Tag
Thanks to Tubby’s FOH engineer Wil for the board patch!
recorded and produced by kliked for nyctaper.com
- Intro
- Through the Looking Glass
- When The Clouds Roll In
- God In A $
- Sour Grapes
- Coronado
- Four Leaf Clover
- Night
- Kick The Bucket
- You Wreck Me
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