LinkedIn Opens New ‘Experience Center’ in London

LinkedIn Opens New ‘Experience Center’ in London

Are you ready to take your LinkedIn experience to the next level? You’re in luck, because this week, LinkedIn has opened its first-ever IRL experience center in London, which LinkedIn describes as “an innovative space that will bring together customers, social impact organizations, and industry experts across hiring, B2B sales and marketing.” The new center…

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Social Media Strategies and Marketing Innovations

Social Media Strategies and Marketing Innovations

How is AI transforming the world of marketing and social media? As artificial intelligence continues to evolve, it’s revolutionizing the way businesses approach their marketing strategies, making processes more efficient and outcomes more impactful. But what does this mean for marketing agencies and social media influencers? LISTEN TO THE AI HAT PODCAST: WATCH THE AI…

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How Snapchat Ranks Content for Snap Map

How Snapchat Ranks Content for Snap Map

With Snapchat recently adding Promoted Places as a promotional option on the Snap Map, it may be worth familiarizing yourself with how the app ranks the content that it highlights to each user on the map display, which could help to improve your exposure to users. Snap provides detailed explainers for all of its surfaces,…

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X Adds Feed Sorting Options for Communities

X Adds Feed Sorting Options for Communities

X has rolled out its latest update for Communities, providing you with more options to sort posts within a community feed, which could encourage more active, topical engagement. As outlined by X engineer Dong Wook Chung, X has added several new feed sorting options within the community display, so you can arrange group posts by…

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