YouTube Tests Option to Remove End Screens from Clips

YouTube Tests Option to Remove End Screens from Clips

Hey, do you really dislike end screens on YouTube clips?

You know the displays that I mean, those promotional thumbnails and product listings that pop-up on screen in, like, the last 10 seconds of a YouTube video, which most commonly direct you to the creators’ other content?

Well, evidently, some people really hate them, because there are various plug-ins and extensions you can use to disable them.

And now, YouTube’s also testing out a new option that will enable viewers to hide end screens if they choose.

As per YouTube:

We’re currently testing a new feature both on mobile and desktop that allows viewers to hide end screens. If you’re part of the experiment group, you’ll see a “Hide” button in the top-right corner of the video when end screens start to appear. If you tap it, the end screens will be hidden on a per-video basis, giving you more control over your viewing experience. If you want to make the end screens re-appear, just tap the “Show” button! This will also be located in the top right of the video.

So you won’t be able to eliminate end screens entirely, as you’ll still have to deactivate these pop-up windows on a per-video basis.

But even so, it’s an interesting acknowledgment of the fact that a lot of YouTube users really hate them, and YouTube is clearly well aware of that angst.  

But do you hate them enough to deactivate them on every clip?

Yeah, I’m guessing probably not, but even so, it’ll be interesting to see if YouTube looks to develop this, and how it aligns with things like connected TV viewing, and enhancing the experience.

It’s only a limited experiment for now, with YouTube to assess the initial results before any potential expansion.  

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