From Traditional to Predictive: Navigating Marketing’s AI Transformation

From Traditional to Predictive: Navigating Marketing’s AI Transformation

We’re in the midst of one of the most significant transformations in the history of marketing. As we transition from traditional media like TV and radio to the digital era, and now face the dawn of AI-driven strategies, many marketers find themselves grappling with the pace of change. Understanding these shifts is crucial, not only to keep up but to stay ahead in a highly competitive field.

Today’s marketing landscape is characterized by precision and prediction, powered by advanced AI technologies that offer unprecedented opportunities but also bring new challenges. How do we navigate this rapidly evolving terrain? What do marketers need to know to leverage AI effectively and avoid being left behind?

To help us answer these critical questions, we’re joined by Asavari Moon, a trailblazer at the forefront of AI in marketing. Moon’s career spans from traditional marketing to digital innovation, including pivotal roles at Uber during the industry’s early digital days. Currently, she is leading EMEA Product Marketing for Google OS, where she creates sustainable marketing strategies ingrained in consumer insights and market dynamics.

In addition to her impactful role at Google, Moon is the founder of Future Female Marketers, a global community of women shaping the future of marketing. She also leads educational initiatives, including a comprehensive AI in Marketing course designed to equip professionals with the skills needed to navigate the AI revolution. Her deep understanding of both the strategic and technical aspects of AI makes her uniquely qualified to guide us through this transformation.

AI in Marketing: Unpacked host Mike Allton asked Asavari Moon about:

Navigating the AI Transformation: Understand the transition from traditional to AI-driven marketing and its impact on the industry.

Practical AI Applications: Learn how AI can enhance efficiency and effectiveness in marketing strategies through real-world examples.

Preparing for AI’s Future: Discover the essential skills and tools marketers need to thrive in the evolving AI landscape.

Learn more about Asavari Moon

Resources & Brands mentioned in this episode

From Traditional to Predictive: Navigating Marketing’s AI Transformation

Full Transcript

(lightly edited)

From Traditional to Predictive: Navigating Marketing’s AI Transformation with Asavari Moon

[00:00:00] Asavari Moon: I feel like there needs to be two things. One is understanding where AI can fit into your existing workflows or enhance them. And the second one is addressing fail. I feel like since this whole changes in LLM and advancement, there has been a lot of talk around AI is going to come to your job, but is AI going to steal your job?

And that is stopping a lot of people from actually using AI because they feel like if my role can be done by an AI, I’m going to lose this. But I really want people to open their minds to see AI as an Something that’s going to help you in your role rather than take it away. Of course, AI is going to say it’s going to change the way we work, but it’s also gonna evolve your role in a way that there will be more demand for people who understand AI.

So AI is not going to take your role. For somebody who knows how to use AI is going to take it away.

[00:00:59] Mike Allton: Welcome to AI in Marketing: Unpacked, where we simplify AI for impactful marketing. I’m your host, Mike Alden here to guide you through the world of artificial intelligence and its transformative impact on marketing strategies. Each episode, we’ll break down AI concepts into manageable insights and explore practical applications that can supercharge your marketing efforts.

Whether you’re an experienced marketer just starting to explore the potential of AI, this podcast will equip you with the knowledge and tools you need to succeed. So tune in and let’s unlock the power of AI together.

Greetings program. Welcome back to AI in Marketing: Unpacked where I selfishly use this time to pick the brains of experts at keeping up with and integrating or layering artificial intelligence into social media, content, advertising, search, and other areas of digital marketing. Oh. And you get to learn to subscribe to be shown how to prepare yourself and your brand for this AI revolution and come out ahead.

Now we’re in the midst of one of the most significant transformations in the history of marketing, as we transitioned from traditional media, like TV and radio to the digital era, and now face the dawn of AI driven strategies, many marketers. Find themselves grappling with the pace of change. You might relate to that.

Understanding these shifts is crucial. Not only to keep up, but to stay ahead in this highly competitive field. That’s a day’s landscape is characterized by precision and prediction powered by advanced AI technologies that offer unprecedented opportunities, but also bring the most value. How do we navigate this rapidly evolving terrain?

What do marketers need to know to leverage AI effectively and avoid being left behind? To help us answer these critical questions, we’re joined by Asavari Moon, a trailblazer at the forefront of AI in marketing. Moon’s career spans from traditional marketing to digital innovation, including pivotal roles at Uber during the pandemic.

Industry’s early digital days. Currently, she is leading EMEA product marketing for Google OS, where she creates sustainable marketing strategies ingrained in consumer insights and market dynamics, in addition to her impactful role at Google moon is the founder of future female marketers, a global community of women shaping the future of marketing.

She also leads educational initiatives, including a comprehensive AI marketing course designed to equip professionals with the skills needed to navigate the AI revolution. Her deep understanding of both the strategic and technical aspects of AI makes her uniquely qualified to guide us through this transformation.

Hey, Moon, welcome to the show.

[00:03:24] Asavari Moon: Thanks, Mike. Hello, everyone. Welcome. Welcome. I’m so glad to be here. Thank you for having me.

[00:03:28] Mike Allton: So thrilled to have you to start off. Could you just share a bit about your journey from traditional marketing to embracing these AI driven strategies?

[00:03:39] Asavari Moon: Of course I’d love to. I started my journey as.

To me, it might sound interesting as a computer science engineer. I was working as a software developer and later pursued my MBA and that’s where I fell in love with marketing. Well, my journey in marketing started more than 14 years ago, but in a very, very traditional sense. Think print ads or TV commercials, radio, telephone.

This is what I call the broadcast era. With one too many communications, a few years down the line, social media started becoming very popular and I quickly realized the potential of digital marketing. And I thought, like, how do I integrate that into my marketing strategies or how I bring the world of social media into my channel marketing?

And that’s how. It opens up new opportunities of data driven marketing, allowing for more precise targeting with measurable outcomes. And this is what I call the precision era, which is a two way engagement, but also helps you with one on one marketing, being very personalized messaging with dynamic targeting.

The shift to AI sort of came way seamless. Thanks to my computer engineering background, I’ve always been at the forefront of tech innovations and very curious to understand its impact on marketing. So, the natural step for me was to dwell into the AI driven strategies, understand the power of machine learning and data analytics and see how that could be harnessed to predict consumer behavior, to predict trends, to create personalized consumer experiences and ways to optimize not just my budget, but also the channels that I’m using for marketing.

I’ll say that this transition wasn’t overnight. I’ll be honest about it, but a rather continuous test and learn evolution of, you know, Partly driven by just curiosity, like what is happening in the industry? What are the new trends that are coming up and how I can bring them into my life, also into my professional work, but at the same time, giving that commitment to stay ahead of the curve.

[00:05:55] Mike Allton: Love it. So let’s talk about some of these changes in the industry. I find it humorous sometimes that I’m always using terms like marketing landscape. It’s kind of an odd metaphor because landscapes don’t really change that often, but marketing is changing all the time in reality. But we say that as, as a way to kind of explain, this is what we’re talking about, how things look and how things have changed over time.

So how do you. Think, how have you seen this marketing landscape change over the years with the advent of digital marketing and now AI, everyone’s talking about AI. How has that changed what you’re doing?

[00:06:30] Asavari Moon: I think I’d say that I’m almost like in a linear way. So you had your traditional marketing, which is what I call broadcast era with one way communication, no way of tracking.

In a way a, a less precise way of tracking. And then something that started with start to end of a campaign with static and loud messaging, broadcast messaging, and then came the era of digital marketing which was a little bit more personalized. Dyna make contextual, relevant, and also measurable soon.

Then with the advancement of machine learning. We came to something called as precision era, where we could predict what people could like based on their consumer behavior, based on their previous interactions with our products or with our consumer journey. And now this is what is going to lead us to almost like a linear exponential trend.

And this is where the landscape’s changing. And that’s, that’s what we’re Thanks to LLM. The advancement in LLM is definitely going to transform marketing. However, I do want to put a caveat as well that marketing like AI in marketing is not new. It’s been there for a very long time. You know, Google ads or Amazon recommendation, all have used AI for predictive analysis to serve right ads or recommendations.

Similarly, Spotify and Netflix have also used AI to predict consumer behavior or track and, you know, suggest what they might like, or you may like this sort of suggestions, but I believe The advancement in LLM is gonna help in certain use cases of marketing that will bring them faster to market, help us deepen our understanding of consumer and also help us create really hyper personalized marketing.

That is how I say the landscape. Changing or has changed so far where I also say a trend that’s going to come up quite soon with advancement in AI Vectree and Metaverse. You know, we kept talking about it in 2021 and 2022, a whole thing about Vectree and blockchain, but I feel like with all these advancements, that’s going to be an integral part of marketing.

Talk about what influences are talking about you know engaging what your environments that’s going to become mainstream as well.

[00:09:00] Mike Allton: You’re absolutely right. AI in marketing and in our industry is not new. We’ve talked about that in our previous episode. In fact, with, with Chris Penn, for those who’ve been following along, great.

Deep conversation with Chris. In fact, you know, he built his business trust insights that AI many, many years before most of us would have considered AI to be part of this fabric of marketing, but have you seen some specific roles that AI has played in transitioning traditional marketing? We, we, we’ve talked often about how it’s impacting digital marketing all the time, predictive behaviors and, you know, being able to analyze large sets of data and that sort of thing, how do you see it impacting that Traditional marketing that’s still around today.

We still have billboards and broadcast television and so on.

[00:09:42] Asavari Moon: I think there are three ways it’ll definitely change

So the first way I feel that really will change traditional marketing is just content creation I remember in my journey with traditional marketing we used to take ages to create Creators that could work for billboards and separate form of creators for TV ads and separate form of creators for radio ads, and that involves a lot of budget and also timeline.

This is where AI tools will help because they will generate content such as articles and ad copies and social media posts, sometimes even video assets that can be used to leverage across different platforms. The creation of this content will also be targeted, that will resonate with target audiences, ensuring that they are relevant and engaging.

Copywriting, you know there are certain restrictions when you’re using something on a billboard, where you have a limitation on the characters of limits that you can use, versus say, a newspaper ad, which is, slightly lengthier. And then just getting the right headlines and right copies is also quite critical for marketers.

And this is why AI tools such as copy. ai or Jasper could use, which internally uses natural language processing to generate creative content helping marketers to produce really high quality content quickly and efficiently. I do also feel that, you know, sometimes as a marketer, when we are working on new, exciting campaigns, we look at a blank boat to start with.

And, you know, this is where our concept begins. And I feel like AI tools can help there as well, where you can brainstorm certain ideas. You can, you know, ask questions to your AI tools. Simply ask to ask you know, give me some suggestions or give me 10 creative ideas that I could explore further. And based on that, you almost start instead of starting from zero, you’re starting from a great concept about.

So this is why I will help even traditional marketers transform their marketing strategies.

[00:11:54] Mike Allton: Love this idea of building comprehensive omni channel campaigns using AI. If you don’t already have personas identified, you can use the AI to help you build up those personas. And then once you’ve got those in place, and the AI understands the audiences you’re trying to reach, you can work on a comprehensive strategy where you’ve got billboards, And newspaper ads, along with the digital channels that you’re trying to leverage, and they’re all seamlessly working together and they’re targeting the right people with the right kind of message that to your point, it’s challenging for an individual to do all of those things in most businesses today, if they are doing traditional advertising.

Alongside digital, it’s probably different people, maybe even completely different departments. So you’re not going to see a lot of overlap in the messaging. You wouldn’t see that kind of omnichannel campaign. So that’s, that’s really fascinating. Most of us in marketing probably hadn’t really thought about the fact that yeah, you could use AI across all these different channels.

All at once. I’d love if you could share some examples, maybe of how a eyes improved, maybe the efficiency or the effectiveness of some marketing campaigns, whether they’re just ones you’ve seen, or maybe ones you’ve been involved in.

[00:13:01] Asavari Moon: Sure. One example in which I can be used would be email marketing.

You know AI tools and algorithms have become so intelligent these days that they can analyze customer behavior to send personalized emails based on where they are in their journey. It also predicts optimal times. So when they’re most likely to open and also gives you opportunity to A B test with different subject lines to, you know, significantly increase open rates.

and conversion rates. But I’m also going to talk about three of my favorite examples in marketing where they use AI tools to step change their strategies and, you know, focus more on the consumer. One would be Sephora. So I do come from a beauty background. I worked with the likes of Estee Lauder and L’Oreal.

So this is one industry that I’m really passionate about. And Sephora used AI powered chatbots. to provide personalized beauty recommendations to customers on social media. You know, what they did was they just asked a very few questions about, you know, your consumer skin type and beauty preferences. And the chatbot was able to suggest products to that customer, which were, they were more likely to purchase.

And You know, I remember the results of that campaign was quite significant, like, you know, they increased their sales on the website and also had really great NPS score from their customers. The second one that I absolutely love is the one that Coca Cola has done, where they launched their own AI platform called Create Real Magic.

Have you seen the video?

[00:14:42] Mike Allton: No, I haven’t seen that.

[00:14:44] Asavari Moon: It’s a really nice one that developed it with a partnership with open AI and Bain and company. And it’s really nice where they have taken, you know, this old art created by legendary artists and given a spin on it and showed the involvement of Coca Cola, which is really nice and a really nice way to showcase the power of content creation with AI could bring.

So that was My second favorite. There’s also Heinz who launched their first ad campaign entirely made with AI generated images with Dali too. And I also loved it because they involved consumer in it. The whole insight was that, you know, the shape of the ketchup bottle of Heinz is so particular that everyone just recognizes it from it.

And they just did a prompt saying that, can you showcase this Heinz ketchup bottles you know, in. in like the snow covered mountains or inside a swimming pool. And they created this images and asked consumers to, you know, use prompt to see where they like to say their ketchup bottles. And some, you know, had images created it in space and, you know, on Mars, and they created the whole campaign around it, which I thought was really amazing. And then the fourth one that I absolutely love is by Virgin Voyagers. And they’ve been a little cheeky around it. And I called the whole campaign Gen AI with a J. It’s a spin on Jennifer Lopez. So they took Jennifer Lopez as their lead for this. And it’s an absolutely fantastic video to watch where you know, different members of their crew are using Jen for Lopez as a main character for pretending to be her and saying there’s different voices.

And I particularly love that because it kind of takes the fear away from AI and what could it do and put like a really nice. fun angle on it, which I really enjoyed. So yeah, I feel like, you know, there’s a lot of brands hopping on the strand and utilizing AI in different ways in the marketing campaigns in a very artistic and creative ways to make it more relatable.

So yeah.

[00:16:52] Mike Allton: Love those examples, folks. If you’re listening, I’ll put the links and some screenshots and the show notes. You can check those out yourselves because I will be going to check those out as soon as we’re done with this interview with moon. But moon, I’m wondering what are some of the challenges maybe that you’re seeing with, with marketers?

These campaigns sound lovely, but I’m sure it’s not all easy to do or perhaps easy to get buy in from the C suite. What are you seeing when you’re, when, You’re talking to brands or you’re seeing examples, they’re trying to transition or they’re trying to use a I to power their traditional marketing and they’re hitting some struggles.

[00:17:26] Asavari Moon: I think just like with any changes that comes you know, there are risk involved and there are also investment involved. And I feel like the transition from traditional to AI driven marketing strategies sort of also fall within similar challenges. There are. Three main challenges that I say I’ll classify them as risk legal concerns and investments.

When I say risk, it’s more around brand safety. Like, you know, when it, when you’re a big brand, you’re very cautious about what you’re adding in and what the output of the product is. you know, your desired quality is going to be or not, and also the adherence to brand voice. So that is main concern for most of the brands.

So how generative outputs can sometimes lack that desired quality, consistency, or even alignment with brands messaging. So how do you ensure that something that’s inclusive, but also you know in line with your brand voice and brand tone? So one way to tackle that would be to be to implement rigorous testing and validation processes and fine tune the AI model using your own data to ensure that output meets your quality standards.

This is where you also need to review and edit the content to ensure that you know your brand consistency, consistency is maintained. The second risk that I say is more around ethical and legal concerns. If you know AI and genetic content might. inadvertently have crossed some ethical boundaries or infringed on copyright or intellectual property rights.

So that is another concern that a lot of brands and marketers are very cautious about. But again, there is a solution to it, which is around establishing very clear guidelines and ethical standards for AI generated content. I know this day, some of the brands also make you label your content, if it is AI generated, like on Social media with meta platforms like Instagram, you can label AI content.

And similarly, TikTok makes you, you know, label your content as AI generator. So just small little steps to tell your consumers that yes, we use AI to generate this, but at the same time, going back to my previous point, also sort of having those lens and reviewing it so that you ensure that they align with legal and ethical norms, but also, you know, use AI tools to know.

Could be adapted to your needs and to your brand values and can learn on your own data. So that way it allows you to control and steer the whole creative process, but you’re going to legal content. I was just going to talk about investment.

And this is again, a way chicken and egg story, isn’t it? Like, you know, that implementing all these AI tools is going to save you a lot of money. It’s going to bring, you know, your content faster to market. It is also going to help you you know, drive economies of scale, but at the same time, AI is also going to require some upfront investment in terms of, you know, Technology tools, training, expertise.

So I think it’s like having that view of your short term versus long-term goals. And then sort of deciding what do we need to invest now? Where do you see image benefits of investing versus long-term vision and where that automation could really help? As I said before. Change always comes with a lot of uncertainty and there is a resistance you know, you might feel resistance from your team members who are not comfortable with AI technologies, or it could come from exactly as you said, like C suite executives who probably at this stage do not see an immediate impact.

And the way to tackle that would be you know, sort of foster that culture of learning and adaptation. So offer trainings and workshops to educate your team members about the benefits and similarly use like proof of concepts or, you know, use small little case studies to showcase where you can save or where you can automate or speed up certain things and showcase that to, you know, make your senior leadership to invest and foster that change.

[00:21:43] Mike Allton: I’m so glad you raised these points because the first step is to be aware that these kinds of challenges and stumbling blocks exist. I’ve talked about ethics and bias and the way that bias can come up in AI results on the blog. And I’ll put a link to that article in the show notes as well, folks. And also make sure you subscribe because we’re going to have Mitch Jackson on this show very soon.

And we’re going to talk to him. At length about the ethical concerns and all these issues that you need to be aware of and how to address them. Just elaborating on more of what Moon has already said, but folks were talking with Asavari moon about transitioning from traditional to digital and to an AI powered approach to marketing.

And I’ve got a couple more questions for that. You’re not going to want to miss, but first let me share with you the tool that I’m using to transform my own marketing, this episode of AI and marketing unpacked is brought to you by Magi your gateway to making generative AI, incredibly simple. And accessible wondering how to seamlessly integrate AI into your marketing strategy without getting bogged down by complexities.

That’s exactly where Magi shines. It provides user friendly AI solutions that empower marketers just like you to innovate and elevate your campaigns without needing a degree in science. Imagine having the power to generate creative content, insightful marketing data analysis, or even personalized customer communications, all at the touch of a button, Magi isn’t just about providing tools, it’s about Magi.

transforming your approach to marketing with AI that’s tailor made to be straightforward and effective. So whether you’re looking to boost your content creation process or want deeper insights into your marketing performance, Magi makes it all possible with a few clicks, no fuss, no hassle, just results.

Ready to simplify your AI journey? Visit Magi today to learn how their solutions can revolutionize the way you engage with your audience. With your audience, don’t just market market smarter with magi tap the link in the show notes. So when we touched on some of the challenges of potential roadblocks, some folks are facing, some of them are maybe coming from a traditional marking.

background and they’re feeling overwhelmed. They’re feeling like they’re not prepared for AI. They’re certainly not trained. They haven’t been using it. Many of them have other kinds of fears. How would you address some of those fears and reservations for marketers who are being told we need to integrate AI into our workflows starting tomorrow?

[00:24:00] Asavari Moon: I feel like there needs to be two things. One is understanding where AI can fit into your existing workflows or enhance them. And the second one is addressing fear. I feel like since, you know, this, this whole changes in LLM and advancement, there has been a lot of talk around AI is going to come to your job and it’s AI is going to steal your job.

And that is stopping a lot of people from actually using AI because they feel like if my role can be done by an AI, I’m going to lose it. But I really want people to open their minds to see AI as an something that’s going to help you in your role rather than take it away. Of course, AI is going to be here.

It is going to say it is going to change the way we work, but it’s also gonna evolve your role in a way that, you know, there will be more demand for people who understand AI. So AI is not going to take your role, but somebody who knows how to use AI is going to take it away. And that’s why I think it just made sense That that mindset shift is necessary, that this is not something to be feared about.

It is something to be, you know, you need to upskill yourself about and you need to learn so that you do your job better and you save money when you save time. So addressing those fears and reservations, I think is critical. And to do that, I think there’s need for education and transparency, like it is important to demonstrate how AI can enhance.

Rather than replace human creativity and decision making, like certain things are going to stay with human irrespective. And this is where I feel like your experience also comes into matter. Like, how do you judge the output that you’ve received from an AI tool? Like, unless you understand your role really well, you’re not going to know You know what the output is to what quality it is and I also use this term garbage in garbage out So your input is also equal to your output.

So unless you know what to ask Your ai is not going to share that so I feel like just understanding that It’s an enabler rather than something that’s going to replace you is really important. So talk to that fear and reservation. But at the same time, I think sharing success stories and, you know, case studies is so important because it shows the tangible benefits of AI.

Like the beginning of our call when you mentioned how you’ve been using AI tools that’s helping you with your podcast journey as well. I am openly sharing about, you know, how I’m, I’m using AI tools either for productivity or even as part of my marketing strategies and how it’s benefited me in terms of like, you know, coming fast to market or saving, like, you know, driving that economies of scale.

When you hear the success stories, that’s when you feel like, yes, there is a tangible benefit. And. Lemme try it for my work or lemme try it in my life. So that is also really important. So, you know, leaders need to democratize all these information and these resources. And providing hands-on training and workshops can help you build that confidence and familiarity with all these AI tools.

There’s also understanding the collaborative nature of ai. Like, you know, it helps you in data analysis and, you know, it also helps you do the tasks that you don’t want to do anymore. You know, those long Excel spreadsheets and pivot tables can be then outsourced to AI. So sort of looking AI as an intern to, that’s helping you and something that you can train to be more advanced and more specific to your needs.

So it becomes almost like your own personal assistant. But yeah, I think it’s that open communication that’s needed to really talk about. The role and the limitations of AI and how do we foster that trust and acceptance as a marketer, you know, start small and see where, you know, AI fits into your work stream.

And, you know, if there are low risk areas where you can implement it and see it scale and see how you can improve it, that’s when you can start befitting it into your, you know, bigger workflows.

[00:28:11] Mike Allton: I love this perspective because you’re right. Every single episode that I’m recording, every interview, part of the interview, I’m always asking folks for examples of how they’re using AI successfully or you know, specific examples of campaigns.

I think one of these days I’m probably just going to write a roundup blog post that just excerpts all those different stories because they’re so helpful, they’re so powerful. There’s so much that AI can do today that we’re really only limited by our imagination. And so that is actually in and a challenge in and of itself, where It’s, it’s hard to imagine what else can I do with AI if we’re not getting input and examples from others.

So thanks for sharing some of that when it comes to these folks who are listening and they’re like, okay, yeah, I, I probably should start looking for ways to integrate AI into my normal day to day. How, what am I doing today? How can AI support that? Are there any skills that you think are, Good or even essential for marketers that would help them thrive in this new A.

I. Powered marketing that we’re in.

[00:29:11] Asavari Moon: Absolutely. Two main skills from my end would be curiosity and adaptability. I think, you know, to try in this ever changing, and I think it’s true for marketing for decades, you know, we’ve seen it gone from traditional marketing to this whole You know, predictive era and precision era.

So marketers are adaptable, but what they also made is a blend of technical and soft skills. In the past, you know, people did say marketing as more of a creative field, but we do know that it’s an art plus science sort of a good blend. So we will be requiring technical skills, which includes data analysis or, you know, understanding of AI and machine learning concepts.

basic concepts to, you know, understand how the store works and how they can fit into your workflow. But soft skills are also going to be quite important, particularly create our team. Now you might think, well, AI is going to do my job. So why do I need it? And this is where I feel like you know, it’s, it’s It’s almost like an oxymoron because the more people start using AI, the more similar the outputs of a lot of campaigns going to be like because obviously, You know, all these tools, the learn from big data, the learn from, you know, all these friends and give generic responses.

So this is where your creativity is going to come into picture where you adapt those responses and make it yours. So the strategic thinking that adaptability is going to remain super crucial for marketers. They also need to understand. Very strong understanding of ethical considerations in AI and data privacy.

And I remember Mike, we spoke on one of the, you know, the live course guest lecture that we had where you spoke about, you know, how slow are Governments or our policymakers are still working due to the nature of, you know, this whole industry and structure that we don’t have these laid out or, you know, the standards ready for us for now.

So how do you use your expertise, your understanding to ensure that, you know, you’re taking, of course, of this ethical consideration? So a lot of strategic thinking, a lot of creativity is going to be needed. And then, as I said, adaptability and that curiosity. So just being very open about continuous learning and staying up to date with the latest AI trends and technologies is going to be super essential.

Collaboration skills is also going to be very important because, you know, You probably would be working with a lot of AI tools that are developed by, you know, AI engineers and data scientists on the more you try to bring certain technologies or transformations in house to make it relevant or specific for your role, you probably will.

Do a lot of work alongside with them. So just having that basic understanding is going to be so helpful, but I feel like just having that open mind without fear around how AI works and how you know you can imbibe that in your work is going to be so crucial.

[00:32:22] Mike Allton: I would also add communication skills because working with the AI today now is very different from the kinds of tools that we have been used to and trained to use as markers.

We’ve been trained to use Boolean expressions and programmatic language and that sort of thing. We don’t need that. It doesn’t even work quite as well in many cases with the AI, when you need to have an actual conversation and communicate and the better you can communicate, what it is you’re looking for and who it is that you’re talking to, the better the responses will be.

And to your point earlier, the more interesting, more effective, more creative, those responses will be instead of, you know, being, you know, Average intelligence as what Andy Christinian pointed out a I could stand for and actually being really artificially interesting and generative. So I’d like to know more about your course.

I mentioned this at the outset, but you’ve got an AI marketing course that can help folks in some of these areas. Tell us more about that. And if you were going to add something else, feel free, please feel free.

[00:33:18] Asavari Moon: Yeah, I was just going to add a little bit about communication. I think you’ve put up a really great point.

And, you know, to your point earlier it’s also about the way you ask questions to this AI tools, isn’t it? And that’s why I feel like AI prompt engineering is becoming so popular these days, because what you ask, how you ask determines what you get and how soon you get the desired quality that you were needing.

And so, you know, as a marketer, Feel free to, you know, sort of test and learn with these tools, or you can do is ask a question in different ways. You know, sometimes you can ask a negative prompt to ask your tool not to share such data, or you could look at, you know, a role play sort of a prompt engineering where you say, act as an experienced marketer or act as a, you know digital marketer and create this.

So that’s a really nice way to sort of asking tool to put on a hat for a specific role and then give an output to you, which really helps you. The third thing would be like a layered sort of prompting where you ask a certain question and then, You know like gradually you ask different questions to get to your design output, or it could be also you know sort of like question and answer where you give a prompt to your AI tool and say, you have like, this is what I want to build.

Now, why don’t you ask me questions so that you’ll have everything. And then, you know, this AI tools can ask you questions and that way you can get the design output as well. So just bing! to your point, I think communication is going to be so important, but at the same time, the way you form your questions, the way you add this prompts are also going to be quite critical.

[00:35:01] Mike Allton: A hundred percent. It’s like working with a brand new intern, the better you communicate with them, the specific processes and goals that you have in mind and how to do it, the better. I have a custom persona inside Magi for this podcast, the AI marketing impact podcast, where I Magi Safari moon is my next guest.

And it says, great, give me your linkedin profile and I give you the linkedin profile and it goes to search on google and being and it comes back. This is the person that we found. Is this the right person that you’re interviewing? I say yes. And they say, what do we want to talk about? And this is all a custom step by step prompt that I’ve programmed up in advance.

And it helps me map out the show and we have a great collaborative conversation. Back and forth. Some of it’s obviously trained because of that custom prompt. And a lot of it is just me being very mindful of what am I communicating in to the AI? What am I telling it? And what am I expecting to get in response?

So super great point. So tell us about your course.

[00:35:58] Asavari Moon: Yes, I’m so excited to launch this. It’s called AI in Marketing Course under the Future Age Academy. I’ll give a little bit of context on why I developed this course. So as I said, I’ve been very fortunate to be at the forefront of the whole digital evolution and managed to work with some of the leading brands at that time sort of very visionary around where it’s going to be going.

Going and, you know, I got into digital marketing way back in 2015, 2016, where I was still very nascent and one of the few ones to dive into the area of digital marketing. And now I say how that’s grown and how much demand is there for that particular skill set. Same thing I say with AI. I feel like AI skill set AI is going to transform the whole marketing, and there’s gonna be so much demand about marketers who understand how to use AI tools for the marketing strategies, but There aren’t enough resources, you know, a lot of times the marketers are struggling with where do I even start?

And that’s why I designed this AI in Marketing course, which is designed to equip marketers to get the knowledge and skills to leverage AI effectively. It’s a really great course because it has you know, a blend of foundational concepts that one needs to understand about AI and machine learning.

for having me. But lots of practical applications in marketing and a very hands on experience with AI tools. The way I build this module is that, you know, it focuses on different aspects and use cases of marketing. So right from quantum creation to using AI tools for consumer research, predictive analysis, email marketing, social media marketing, and also how to use it for personalization and marketing automation.

What I’ve included is. Lots of practical insights. I feel like there’s, there’s a lot of resources available in terms of, you know, what machine learning is or what AI is, but I’m trying to bridge the gap in terms of, you know, Great. All this information exists, but how do I use it as a marketer? Like, what are the tools that are available or what are the things that I can implement now?

And this is what the course teaches. I’m also, as part of this course, touching upon things that are really going to matter in terms of like, you know, ethical considerations and data privacy. So it’s a really nice, course structure to be highly interactive with real world case studies and similar to how I gave case studies at the beginning of, you know, your question around how some brands are using AI.

I’ve got heaps of examples and projects included in that. By the end of this course, you also have a project work that you need to submit, which is So you are forced to, you know, utilize all these tools to work on that project. And yeah, based on that, you are well prepared to integrate AI into your strategies and drive impact and get your you know, senior leadership to, you know, support your vision and also get a certificate at the end.

So you get authority and credibility as well.

[00:39:05] Mike Allton: Sounds fascinating and comprehensive folks. We’ll have the link to that in the show notes. And one of the things that, because I’ve been in digital marketing for, for as long as you have, and for years, folks are always trying to look ahead and say, what’s, what’s coming next in social media, what’s coming next in live streaming video, and what’s coming next in the advertising landscape.

And those were always somewhat challenging to try to be. Nostradamus and think, okay, what’s going to happen in social media in a year? Because things change relatively quickly. And I realized when, as I say that, that when it comes to artificial intelligence, it’s even more challenging and next to impossible to predict what’s going to happen next week, let alone the next six to 12 months, because we’re having, you know, platforms like NVIDIA coming out where they’re doubling the size and the capacity of their chips.

And those are going to be shipping soon as the time of this recording. And that’s going to have just an incredible impact on the ability for platforms like Gemini and, and chat GPT and so on to just explode and how much they can process and handle at any given time. But given all of that, Moon, what trends do you see in AI that will future shape the marketing industry?

I have to ask the question. What do you think is coming that we should know about?

[00:40:15] Asavari Moon: Well, as I said, I feel like it’s. shifting at such a strong spade. It’s highly unlikely to sort of like say confidently what that’s going to be like, but there are certain trends that I think will shape the future of marketing and one is going to be search.

And I’m so passionate about search because search is changing, like, you know in traditional sense, people would go into, you know, Google search and ask something. And I’ve seen this trend now where people are using TikTok as a platform for search or Instagram to see the vibe of a place they want to visit.

And Google per se is also doing so much work in their search you know, now you have. interactive search that can be seen on the page. Similarly, they launched something called a Circle to Search, which is also really exciting. Talks to the behavior of how consumers want to search, so they don’t want to leave a platform to go and see something on Google.

You know, like a Google page, so you can literally circle on whatever app you are, say you find an Influencers video and you really love the glasses they’re wearing, you can actually circle on it and it shows you where to buy and what color to buy you know, Google Lens is really another great way to search in terms of products.

You see a new flower, you just snap a picture and it tells you where the flower is. So I feel like search is going to be something that will drastically change thanks to AI and voice search and conversational search will also play a big part of role in it because now all our tools can learn natural language and can respond in natural language.

This is where I feel like AI will completely change the game. The second one would be predictive analysis. Like, you know, we’ve, we’ve, we’ve been in predictive analysis predictive era where we can learn from consumer behavior. We can learn from, you know, your past actions and trends. But this is also going to go further because, you know, as this AI tools become mature, they’re going to be, you know, able to provide even more accurate insights into the likelihood of a consumer’s behavior and market trends.

The third thing that I say is just the integration of AI with your augmented reality and virtual reality tools to offer that immersive and personalized customer experiences. We’ve already seen some brands rising on the trends of CGI, which is computer generated you know, images and integration.

So that will stay, but with whole our Gen Alpha and Gen C audience being on Dropbox and, you know MetaWise, there will be another sector where AI will change the way we talk to these consumers. So. AI’s role in these places will definitely transform or shape marketing industry, but also its role in content creation.

Like, you know, right now you know, we are creating content with just a text prompt and, you know it’s gone to a way where it is something that you can actually use. But I feel like the, The more AI tools get advanced, this is going to be going to be a piece of cake. Like if you create something that you can use for commercial purposes within three seconds.

[00:43:32] Mike Allton: I couldn’t agree more, particularly with your point about search. I started my blog, the social media had 2011. And I’d love to sit here and say, I’m not obsessed with metrics, but To be honest, I do look at the metrics and the traffic and the referral data every single day. And instead of, or in addition to the normal referrals that most bloggers would see, Google social networks and that sort of thing.

One that’s popping up more and more every day now is perplexity. com. People are using the perplexity AI engine. And so that’s going to become more and more prevalent to your point. So thanks for sharing that. Finally, I just have one more question

[00:44:09] Asavari Moon: for you. And then one other trend that I say is just around social media.

Like we know how big the economy is. It’s expected to go to do 50 billion by 2025. And you know, even now, when I speak to younger, you know students, they all want to be YouTubers and they want to be food bloggers and travel bloggers. So we know that this influencer marketing and influencer creator economy is going to be quite huge, even for marketers.

But a trend that I say impacted by AI is with Instagram. AI influences or virtual influences aka digital humans. And Miquela and Etna Lopez being like, you know, brands faces for some really great luxury brands such as Chanel and, you know Versace and Prada created their own. So this is other trend that I say it’s going to be quite prominent in the coming days.

And it makes sense because, you know, when you have your own AI virtual influencers, your brand has more authority in terms of, you know, their brand voice and their brand tone and what they say and your brand guidelines, et cetera. But at the same time, cost effective, they’re available 24 seven, you know, they don’t have the physical barriers that a normal creator has.

So I do see a lot of brands working with either the existing AI influencers that are created by designers. Or going in house and creating their own brand identities or brand ambassadors.

[00:45:40] Mike Allton: Yeah, it’ll be fascinating to see just how much influence these virtual influencers are able to exert when influence traditionally, historically has been the fact that we trust.

Other people typically aren’t, who aren’t associated with the brand. That’s why we work with influencers at Agorapulse. There are people who aren’t in Agorapulse employees and they certainly weren’t created by an Agorapulse employee on their computer. So it’s, it’s super fascinating to me, but we’re almost out of time and I want to make sure you have time to share any final advice.

That you might have for marketers who are looking to just start exploring AI technologies.

[00:46:19] Asavari Moon: Absolutely. For any marketers who’s listening to us today and is curious and just starting to explore, you know, AI tools and technologies. My advice would be to start small and scale gradually, like begin with clear understanding of your marketing goals and identify areas where AI can provide most value, whether that’s content creation, whether that’s you know, audience segmentation or just automation or using tools to upload your content everywhere.

So, Just look at your goals and find those small little short term areas where AI can really provide most value but at the same time, invest time in learning the basics of AI, but also what are the tools that are available you know, what are the trends that are happening in AI, because that’s going to be so critical if you want to stay ahead of the curve.

Don’t be afraid. You know, I feel like there’s a lot of fear around AI and using AI and losing jobs. So I just want to be supportive of that fact that AI is an enabler to see it in that way. And don’t be afraid to seek help from experts, people like, you know, Mike, or even if you have any questions, you can come to me.

to understand how AI can help you in your work or how, what are some of the tools that you could use, or you could even take courses to build up your knowledge. I wanted to talk to you about one of the course that I’m preparing. So try to upscale yourself and focus on collecting and managing quality data, because that’s going to be the foundation of effective AI implementation.

As I said, stay curious. Be open to continuous learning because AI is here to stay. It is rapidly evolving, but it also offers endless opportunities for innovation for you professionally, as well as personally.

[00:48:17] Mike Allton: Start small. Terrific advice. And as you’re thinking about the different things that you do in your day to day with your marketing to Moon’s point, think about how AI can help you.

If you’re not sure, check Ask AI, tell the AI, this is what I’m doing. How can you help? And it will tell you how it can help you probably in ways that you wouldn’t have even imagined. So thanks for sharing that moon. This has been absolutely amazing. I’ve loved this conversation for folks who want to learn more about you and follow you, where can they go to connect with you?

[00:48:44] Asavari Moon: The best way to connect with me would be on LinkedIn. You can find me as a Asavri Moon. I’m also reachable with my email address. It’s info at the right futurefemalemarketers. com, or you can also reach out to me at info at futureedgeleadershipacademy. com.

[00:49:04] Mike Allton: Amazing. Thank you, Moon. Thank you, all of you for listening today.

We’ll have all the links to Moon’s profiles and links, everything we talked about today in the show notes. And don’t forget to find us on Apple and drop a review. I’d love to know what you think. Until next time, welcome to The Grid. Thanks for joining us on AI in Marketing Unpacked. I hope today’s episode has inspired you and given you actionable insights to integrate AI into your marketing strategies.

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Thank you for listening and have a fantastic day.

In this episode of AI in Marketing: Unpacked, step through the transformation that's taking place in both traditional and digital marketing.In this episode of AI in Marketing: Unpacked, step through the transformation that's taking place in both traditional and digital marketing.
Mike AlltonMike Allton
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